Elisabetta Pinamonti

Head of Financial and Administrative Department

Elisabetta has been working at ALDA since 2014 and joined ALDA+ from its inception in 2017. In the early years of the Association, she served as Assistant to the Financial Director, reporting directly to the Head of the Financial and Administrative Department. In 2021, thanks to her extensive knowledge and experience, she became the Head of ALDA’s Administrative and Financial Department.

She has in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in financial management and project reporting, both within and beyond Europe. Throughout ALDA’s implementation of over 500 projects in the past 10 years, Elisabetta has successfully navigated audits by the European Commission for projects funded by various EU programs, such as LIFE, ERASMUS+, Horizon2020, AMIF, Europe for Citizens (EfC), and other external action programmes.